Tuesday, December 24, 2019
Ireland The Invention of Tradition - 1063 Words
In order to legitimise a regime or cause, traditions may be constructed around historical or mythological events, people or symbols that reinforce the image required to focus people’s conception of the past. People can be encouraged to invent a cohesive view of their shared ‘traditions’ by what could be called cherry picking bits of history. The ancient mythology of Ireland is one of its’ greatest assets. The glorious, poetic tales of battles, super humans, demigods and heroes ranks among the best of ancient literature. The book of the Dun Cow, (Lebor na huidre), was written around 1100 and contains stories from the eighth and ninth centuries. The Book of Invasions, (Lebor Gabala), tells how the mythical ancestors of the Irish, the†¦show more content†¦They caused an upsurge in Irish art in modern times by artists such as Jim Fitzpatrick who updated the ancient images to become modern and fashionable. This further embedded the tales in the con sciousness of the Irish people. The mythology of Ireland is also secular. Whereas many of the sweeping sagas of antiquity have religious connotations the Irish cycles cut across the religious divide of Catholic and Protestant and could be appreciated by both denominations. The texts not only illustrate the antiquity of the Irish but also their literacy and artistry. Their content emphasises their heroic nature. These are all of great significance to the Nationalistic movement and the many modern works of art they inspired are of importance not only to the Irish but also to their international reputation. The ancient tales of Ireland were written in the original language of Gaelic. The native language of any people is one of their defining characteristics. The antiquity of Gaelic can be authenticated by manuscripts written as far back as the Wà ¼zberg Codex of A.D. 700 and possibly even back to the sixth century, although modern Gaelic is probably from around the thirteen hundreds. The imposition a foreign tongue on a conquered people is a sign of oppression obvious as soon as anyone speaks. The English attempted to sublimate Gaelic and the use of it declined sharply from the seventeenth century. The English suppression ofShow MoreRelatedTypography And The Printing Press1438 Words  | 6 PagesAlthough the use of typography became drastically more popular during the invention of the printing press in the mid-fifteenth century, the use of typography goes beyond this period in history. Before the invention of the concept of typography, writing was already a popular form of visual communication, the history of which dates to the use of hieroglyphs or pictograms in ancient times (Siebert). 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Monday, December 16, 2019
Practical Demonkeeping Chapter 36-37 Free Essays
36 JENNY, ROBERT, RIVERA, AMANDA, TRAVIS, HOWARD, AND THE SPIDER Rivera drove Robert and Jennifer to their house. They sat in the back, holding each other the whole way, not saying a word until they thanked him when he dropped them off. On the drive back to the station Rivera tried to formulate a story that would save his career. We will write a custom essay sample on Practical Demonkeeping Chapter 36-37 or any similar topic only for you Order Now Any version of the true story seemed like a sure ticket to a psychological disability retirement. In the end he decided to tell the story as far as the point where The Breeze disappeared. A month later Rivera was pumping Slush-Puppies at the Seven-Eleven, working undercover for the robbery division. However, with the arrest of a team of robbers that had terrorized convenience stores in the county for six months, he was promoted to lieutenant. Amanda and Travis rode with Howard. At Amanda’s request, Gian Hen Gian saw that Effrom’s body was turned to stone and placed inside the cave. When Howard stopped in front of Amanda’s house, she invited Travis to come inside. He refused at first, wanting to leave her alone with her grief. â€Å"Have you completely missed the significance of all this, Travis?†she asked. â€Å"I guess so,†he said. â€Å"Did it occur to you that the presence of Catch and Gian Hen Gian proves that Effrom is not gone completely? I will miss him, but he goes on. And I don’t want to be alone right now. I helped you when you needed it,†she said, and she waited. Travis went in. Howard went home to work on a new menu for his restaurant. Chief Technical Sergeant Nailsworth never found out what happened to Roxanne or who she really was, and he was heartbroken. Because of his grief he was unable to eat, lost a hundred and fifty pounds, met a girl at a computer user’s meeting, and married her. He never had computer sex again outside the privacy of his home. 37 GOOD GUYS Augustus Brine declined offers for a ride home. He wanted to walk. He needed to think. Gian Hen Gian walked at his side. â€Å"I can repair your truck, make it fly if you wish,†the Djinn said. â€Å"I don’t want it,†Brine said. â€Å"I’m not even sure I want to go home.†â€Å"You may do as you wish, Augustus Brine.†â€Å"I don’t want to go back to the store either. I think I’ll give the business to Robert and Jenny.†â€Å"Is it wise to put the drunkard in the wine barrel?†â€Å"He won’t drink anymore. I want them to have the house, too. I’ll start the paperwork in the morning.†â€Å"It is done.†â€Å"Just like that?†â€Å"You doubt the word of the King of the Djinn?†They walked in silence for a while before Brine spoke again. â€Å"It seems wrong that Travis has lived so long without having a life, without love.†â€Å"Like yourself, you mean?†â€Å"No, not like myself. I’ve had a good life.†â€Å"Would you have me make him young again?†Brine thought for a moment before he answered. â€Å"Could you make him age in reverse? For each year that passes he is a year younger?†â€Å"It can be done.†â€Å"And her, too?†â€Å"Her?†â€Å"Amanda. Could you make them grow young together?†â€Å"It can be done, if you command it.†â€Å"I do.†â€Å"It is done. Will you tell them?†â€Å"No, not right away. It will be a nice surprise.†â€Å"And what of yourself, Augustus Brine? What is it you wish?†â€Å"I don’t know. I always thought I’d make a good madam.†Before the Djinn could say anything else, Rachel’s van sputtered up beside them and stopped. She rolled down the window and said, â€Å"Do you need a ride, Gus?†â€Å"He is trying to think,†the Djinn snapped. â€Å"Don’t be rude,†Brine said to the Djinn. â€Å"Which way are you going?†â€Å"I don’t know for sure. I don’t feel like going home – maybe ever.†Brine walked around the front of the van and slid open the cargo door. â€Å"Get in, Gian Hen Gian.†The Djinn got into the van. Brine slammed the cargo door and climbed into the passenger seat next to Rachel. â€Å"Well?†she said. â€Å"East,†Brine said. â€Å"Nevada.†It was called King’s Lake. When it appeared in the desert, it simultaneously appeared on every map of Nevada that had ever been printed. People who had passed through that part of the state swore that they had never seen it before, yet there it was on the map. Above the tree-lined banks of King’s Lake stood a palace with a hundred rooms. Atop the palace a massive electric sign read, BRINE’S BAIT, TACKLE, AND FINE WOMEN. Anyone who visited the palace was greeted by a beautiful, dark-haired woman, who took their money and led them to a room. On their way out a tiny brown man in a rumpled suit returned their money and wished them well. Upon returning home the visitors told of a white-haired man who sat all day in the lotus position at the end of a pier in front of the palace, fishing and smoking a pipe. They said that when evening approached, the dark-haired woman would join the man and together they would watch the sun go down. The visitors were never quite clear as to what had happened to them while they were at the palace. It didn’t seem to matter. But after a visit they found that they appreciated the simple pleasures that life presented to them and they were happy. And although they recommended Brine’s to their friends, they never returned themselves. What went on in the rooms is another story altogether. How to cite Practical Demonkeeping Chapter 36-37, Essay examples
Sunday, December 8, 2019
Comparative Advantage Targets and Goals
Question: Discuss about theComparative Advantagefor Targets and Goals. Answer: Introduction As stated by YouTube (2016), Strategies are formulated by organization in order to formulate the projected growth of the organization to achieve the goals and objectives of the firm. It is often seen that the organization have misinterpreted their tactics, targets and goals as their strategies. The strategies that are often listed by the organization are mere strategic threads. These threads represent small pieces of the overall business strategy. Strategy has been originated from strategos, a greek word. Framing the current market situation as war zone, the executives of the firm must act as the generals, thereby formulating the strategy that would suit the bets in order to achieve the goals of the firm. A good strategy is often able to answer the four questions, which deals with the competition of the firm, the unique value of the products developed by the firm, resources and capabilities utilized by the firm and the sustenance factor of the firm. Strategy helps in providing the fi rms with the clear boundaries between what must be done and what must not be done depending upon the strengths and weaknesses of the organization (Grant 2016). A strategy must be framed within a well-executed plan that suffices the time provided. If the time limit is not followed, this may result into a failure for the organization. Strategy could be defined as an adaptation, which serves the vital function of the organization in order to achieve evolutionary success. Paddington Furniture Company is a boutique furniture manufacturer based in Sydney. The organization produces leading edge designs of superior style and comfort furniture for the Australian market (Paddingtonfurniture.com 2016). I had been working under the sales department of the company for a year. The goal of the firm was to be the leading manufacturing company in the country. This goal of the firm could be achieved by analysing a strong strategy of the organization. The strategy of the firm must be efficient enough to answer the four vital questions, which deals with the competition of the firm, the unique value of the products developed by the firm, resources and capabilities utilized by the firm and the sustenance factor of the firm. The competition of the firms are able to produce high class Australian made sofas, with their unique value of greater flexibility, superior choice, world class finishing and fast reliable service. The resources that are utilized in by the firm are o f finest quality raw materials, found locally where possible, and thereby ensuring consistently high standards of production. They must utilise high quality timber from renewable resources. The sustenance factor of the firm must be in its competitive pricing techniques of approaching the products with comparatively low cost (Slack 2015). This would help in attracting the consumers and raising their market share. This would provide the organization with an advantage among its competitors. Hence, an efficient strategy of an organization seems to be an important aspect for the long run growth of the firm. Pankaj Ghemawat has framed the CAGE theory about international trade opportunities (YouTube 2016). The concept of international trade is developed among the w countries, in which both the countries have a comparative advantage of producing the goods that it exports (Feenstra 2015). This provides the countries with an incentive to produce the goods more efficiently by utilising the resources accurately and producing more. According to the cage theory stated by Pankaj Ghemawat, the international trade between two economies could flourish well when the two countries are share similar attributes. These similar attributes are culture, administrative, geographic and economic. According to the professor, the two countries form into an alliance of international trade only when they have greater similarities with respect to these aspects. The probability of these two countries who are have greater similarity, share the same boundary, speak the same official language, tend to trade with each o ther more than that with the other countries (McGovern 2016). According to the earlier researches that have been conducted, it could be stated that international trade is more favourable between those countries who share equivalent attributes among eah other. The similarities that persists between the countries throw a positive impact on the economy and the society. The cage framework that has been developed by Pankaj Ghemawat offers a broader view of the distance between two countries. It analyses the thought of location and opportunities enlisted with the international trade between two countries with global arbitrage. Dick Smith Foods is a food brand based in Australia that produces varieties of bread spreads and sauce. This food brand is quite famous in Australia as it produces the best quality edible products using fresh and natural ingredients (Dick Smith Foods 2016). The organization is quite famous within the territory of Australia. Dick smith has planned to expand its business globally. This global expansion of the organization would be quite efficient if they choose the accurate country to expand their business. In order to make the correct selection, the cage theory analysis as framed by Pankaj Ghemawat should be taken into consideration. According to this theory, dick smith food must choose such a country that would be quite similar with respect to the cultural, administrative, geographical and economic aspects of Australia (Ghemawat 2015). For example, if Dick Smith Foods has an option of exporting its products to united states or middle east countries, the company must analyse the choic e of the country with respect to cage analyses. On performing the cage analysis, it could be interpreted that exporting the products to United States would be more beneficial for the organization. The similarities between United States and Australia are greater with respect to the cage theory, than with the Middle East country. Reference Dick Smith Foods. (2016). Dick Smith Foods | Magnificent Australian Food Products. [online] Available at: https://www.dicksmithfoods.com.au/ [Accessed 15 Dec. 2016]. Feenstra, R.C., 2015.Advanced international trade: theory and evidence. Princeton university press. Ghemawat, P., 2015. From International Business to Intranational Business. InEmerging Economies and Multinational Enterprises(pp. 5-28). Emerald Group Publishing Limited. Grant, R.M., 2016.Contemporary strategy analysis: Text and cases edition. John Wiley Sons. McGovern, E., 2016.International trade regulation(Vol. 2). Globefield Press. Paddingtonfurniture.com. (2016). Furniture manufacturer. Australian made lounges, leather sofas and designer furniture. [online] Available at: https://www.paddingtonfurniture.com/ [Accessed 15 Dec. 2016]. Slack, N., 2015.Operations strategy. John Wiley Sons, Ltd. YouTube. (2016). Pankaj Ghemawat: CAGE framework to evaluate international trade opportunities. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7FpUJaG7uMk [Accessed 15 Dec. 2016]. YouTube. (2016). What is Strategy?. [online] Available at: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=TD7WSLeQtVw [Accessed 15 Dec. 2016].
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