Tuesday, August 25, 2020
Natural Tendency To Do Good Essay Example
Characteristic Tendency To Do Good Paper Being around various individuals can cause a human to carry on or act in manners that they typically would not. This is valid from numerous points of view and encounters that individuals experience. Mencius stated, â€Å"Persons might be brought to do abhorrent, and that is on the grounds that the equivalent is done to their tendency. †This shows being in a condition of power can make the common propensity to do great be imperfect through whatever it is that is shadowing the psyche to clarify judgment. The propensity of human instinct to do great resembles that of water to stream descending. †I accept human instinct is to do acceptable dependent on the correct environmental factors since things that go on in an exosphere can settle on one feel that specific decisions are satisfactory in the public eye. What shows how human instinct is to do acceptable is the means by which a human has a need to assist another human when they are in a period of scarcity or distress. For example, to give food to a destitute safe house, or to give somebody who is out for the count some espresso or a dollar. We will compose a custom article test on Natural Tendency To Do Good explicitly for you for just $16.38 $13.9/page Request now We will compose a custom article test on Natural Tendency To Do Good explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer We will compose a custom article test on Natural Tendency To Do Good explicitly for you FOR ONLY $16.38 $13.9/page Recruit Writer Human instinct is to do acceptable dependent on the correct environmental factors in the exosphere and is upheld where Mencius stated, â€Å"Now you may strike water and make it sprinkle over your brow, or you may even power it up the slopes. Yet, is this the idea of water? †This is the thing that demonstrates that regular propensity to do great is the thing that people were made to do. I have been in times in life where I settled on poor choices dependent on the intense conditions that I decided to be near. There were individuals around that had addictive criminal reasoning where it blurred my brain and was at last making me not pick the most intelligent decision to advance in life emphatically, rather contrarily. These individuals that were by implication giving impacts toward my life, that cultivated a domain that caused it to appear to be satisfactory to violate the law, and gave me a detestable activity. What I understood is that the decision in having an inappropriate arrangement of individuals around me was emotionally causing me to have a situation that was advancing into underhanded activities. Where Mencius stated, â€Å"People tend by their tendency toward goodness, and it is just the unfavorable conditions of their support that dissolve goodness and incite abhorrent. †This completely bolsters characteristic inclination is to do acceptable. Individuals must think in a way that will permit them to be of the correct way and do what is upright. Human instinct has a particular propensity towards goodness, however moral rightness can't be started down to the last component. This is the reason basically outside governors consistently breakdown in illuminating society. Genuine advancement comes about because of learning training in useful environments. Human instinct is to do acceptable dependent on the correct environmental factors in the exosphere. Having terrible conditions will in general debase the human will. In any case, this isn't affirmation of common malice on the grounds that an unadulterated reasoning individual would evade making hurt others. So without having a negative outside exosphere the straightforwardness of characteristic inclination to do goodness will come effectively than contemplating it. I have since subsequent to placing myself in a negative situation that made my psyche feel that doing underhanded was something that was endured in the public eye, it has now given me alternatives to advance throughout everyday life. Being around progressively constructive individuals settles on the common approach in decisions, choices, and activities. With the rightness within somebody it causes malice to be available, however it doesn't let the underhanded go through and have its way with the people psyche and activity. I think it is noteworthy that Mencius credits that individuals have certain characteristic capacities for goodness. On the off chance that we didn't have these capacities, I don't figure any amount of instruction could implement these onto us. In such manner, I do imagine that instruction is a sort of mindful going to goodness. Mencius builds up that all individuals have hearts by drawing in to the case of a youngster going to fall into a well. Mencius says that when individuals see the kid going to fall they will feel a feeling of disquiet and sympathy. It is basic to see that Mencius isn't talking about any sort of activity here yet about the moment reaction. These sentiments of misery and sympathy are not because of seeking after endorsement or needing to decrease dissatisfaction. This reaction legitimizes Mencius guarantee that People all have hearts that don't endure the enduring of others. I feel that this falls in with what I have been tending to in light of the fact that in the two different ways it is the thing that you are educated and what is normally within a humans’ mind. It assists with demonstrating that human instinct is to do acceptable dependent on the correct environmental factors in the exosphere. The human just needs a decent lifestyle and not a detestable way that just brings hopelessness and anguish through wrong activities. A human’s normal and showed methods of goodness to live and learn through exercises, regardless of whether it is through lessons or of activities. I have survived life having those adverse qualities that caused me to acknowledge it's anything but a part of life I might want to have of being an underhanded individual while experiencing the excursion. That is the means by which I see that the disquiet and sympathy become an integral factor with the regular propensity to do great. â€Å"When left to follow its characteristic emotions human instinct will do great. Mencius said what helps bolster this contention of human instinct is to do acceptable dependent on the correct environmental factors in the exosphere. If not placing yourself into a situation to cause you to endeavor forward toward temperate rather than the fiendish. With an away from of brain it assists with including life as it ought to be and have that normal inclination to do great. Where Mencius says, â€Å"If it gets insidious, it isn't the flaw of our unique ability. †This shows another man or lady impacts a people musings. This demonstrates the exosphere can have a projection of a negative power behind it making a situation that isn't of the capacity that the human ought to have. Mencius noted through these instances of faculties: Sense of leniency, feeling of disgrace, feeling of regard, feeling of good and bad. He stated, â€Å"seek and you will discover them, disregard and you will lose them. †I feel this is another explanation demonstrating the contention that has been expressed all through this paper to demonstrate that human instinct is to do acceptable dependent on the correct environmental factors since things that go on in an exosphere. A humans’ normal inclination is to do acceptable dependent on the correct environmental factors due to things that go on in an exosphere. This has been demonstrated through the proof that has been appeared however encounters that I have experienced and me, yet numerous others too. With having the exemplary way you can have the fullest degree of your unique capacity and that is to have the characteristic human instinct to do great dependent on the correct environmental factors as a result of the things that go on in an exosphere which can settle on one pick decisions that are adequate in the public eye.
Saturday, August 22, 2020
The Effects of Rap Musice Have on American Culture Essay Example for Free
The Effects of Rap Musice Have on American Culture Essay Rap music has sexual substance imbedded in the verse that show our childhood undignified messages. At the point when young people are tuning in to the music, they are being acquainted with sex, medications and liquor. Much of the time rap music is the fault for the numerous issues that happen in family units. Particularly with adolescents who are presented to TV within their homes. They will in general watch music recordings that have a great deal of sexual substance that is being appeared for the youngsters to watch. The young people of America can be effectively impact by the exercises that rappers are seen doing in music recordings. They at that point rein act the things they see that are lorified by the rappers. This may cause issues later on throughout everyday life. â€Å"Many specialists have concurred that raps most prominent impacts are on kids where its impact can be especially solid n. d. www. newsnet. byu. edu/story†. Adolescents frequently tune in to rap music as an exit plan when they are experiencing individual issues now and again. This is particularly valid for teenagers that are from broken homes. These adolescents â€Å"live what they realize and realize what they live†, n. d. www. newsnet. byu. edu/story. Adolescents additionally admire rappers as good examples yet I feel that there is an excessive amount of introduction to lead and intriguing material being appeared. Rappers will in general wear a great deal of high style patterns and adornments in the music recordings. This is a huge impact that may make adolescents take things that they truly need however can't manage. It is likewise an overwhelming accentuation that impacts and makes our general public into a materialistic and shallow one. In spite of the fact that taking can be enticing on occasion when you see well known VIPs and rappers wearing in vogue dress and shoes, taking can influence the whole rest of your life in the event that you get captured. It’s additionally hard for those aren’t as blessed to purchase pleasant things. Music energizes wrath and outrage towards one another that will cause silly conduct. Rappers have a method of communicating to their fans that it is alright to call ladies explicitly express names like†hoe†,†bitch†, â€Å"slut†, â€Å"tramp†, â€Å"whore†, and so forth. I accept this is perhaps the greatest impact on youngsters. They grow up to feel that it is alright or cool to be impolite towards ladies. This isn't alright and it isn't chill to put off ladies. Rap music powers young ladies to have low confidence genuinely and intellectually. Alongside low confidence, rappers have made young ladies feel an absence of self-resect and self-esteem. This circumstance is a hard one. I have seen seeing ladies attempting their hardest to meet everyone’s desires. It is exceptionally enthusiastically attempting to feeling beautiful and attempting to look impeccable and flawless like video ladies that you see wearing barely any apparel and indicating a ton of skin in magazines and recordings. There are more ladies making a great deal of changes with their bodies through plastic medical procedure so they can get a vocation in the music business. For this situation I feel that they are affronting themselves by permitting these music recordings to impact them and their self-perception. Ladies don’t perceive how it is influencing them the verses in rap music are disparaging. I don’t comprehend why a few ladies need to take part in the recordings when the music has offending comments toward them. Ice-T is an American rap craftsman that has a past with in-your-face express verses. He is generally known for the questionable melody â€Å"Cop Killer†that appeared in 1990. The â€Å"Cop Killer†melody has been engaged with in any event two shooting occurrences and has kindled racial strains in urban communities the nation over. This melody was to illuminate cops that they are generally loathed and should avoid their neighborhoods. This tune later started residents into a fury that broke out in a mob in South Central Los Angeles. There were ambushes toward episode people which. 53 individuals kicked the bucket and thousands were injured, there where plunderers and arson’s that additionally happened. â€Å"Music has the force both to â€Å"soothe the savage beast†and to mix fierce feelings in man. Ferrell; Jeff (1993) http://www. axt. organization. uk/HateMusic/Rappin. htm â€Å"African Americans is perhaps the greatest culture that have a huge impact more than some other culture in America. This has influenced the African American culture and the way of life of American culture from various perspectives and transmits an inappropriate message to the young people of America. Rap music has made a great deal of circumstances happen and it has made the crime percentage go up. Taking everything into account rap music has influenced American culture from numerous points of view. As a rule rap music has advanced negative propensities. Toward youthful people and youthful grown-ups whether for the fortunate or unfortunate, rap music has influenced American culture actually. Hip bounce music is simply something that individuals will consistently saint love. We simply need to comprehend that we can't change the way that young people are going to tuning in to the defiant messages and the critical verses that are put out.
Monday, August 3, 2020
Resume Advice You NEED to Hear to Land an Internship
Resume Advice You NEED to Hear to Land an Internship 8 Pieces of Resume Advice You NEED to Hear Before Applying for an Internship 8 Pieces of Resume Advice You NEED to Hear Before Applying for an Internship Can you hear it? There’s summer, calling you. It’s right around the corner! Okay, it’s not right around the corner, but it will be here before you know it; which is why now is the time to secure a coveted internship slot that will augment your current interests and expose you to new ones. Like many high school (or college) students, you may not have a shiny resume all prepped and ready to send off so you can secure the summer work experience of your dreams. Which is why we’ve compiled some simple tips to help you pull together a clear and comprehensive representation of who you are and what you have to offer. 1. Begin to collect all of your accomplishments asap. Make a comprehensive list of your school activities, work experience, awards, even interests, if you think they might apply. Keep this list going throughout the year â€" eventually you will be able to add accomplishments right onto your awesome new resume! 2. Find a sample to give you an idea of relevant categories and formatting. Googling “Internship Resume Sample†should do it! Common categories you will want to cover include, Education, Work Experience, Leadership Experience and Community Service. 3. Should you include an Objective? We don’t think including an Objective at the top of your resume is necessary, as your objective is usually outlined in the cover letter that will accompany your resume. That said, if you do want to include one, make sure it succinctly captures what kinds of skills and experiences you are hoping to obtain at your internship. If you apply to a variety of positions, make sure to adjust your Objective accordingly. 4. For each experience you list on your resume, include critical details. Location, position and the amount of time spent involved in the activity should accompany a few bulleted responsibilities. Keep these bullets succinct and to the point. If you have quantifiable metrics, like number of dollars raised by your fundraising efforts or amount of people recruited for an intramural volleyball team, include those details. Also emphasize any management duties (did you spearhead a small team?), new skills learned (do you now know how to manage a corporate social media campaign?) and end products you helped to create (did you build a website?). 5. Use a clean, simple layout. Unless you are applying for a graphic design position (where you can feel a bit more freedom to experiment), keep your resume layout basic and easy to read. Also make sure font and spacing are consistent. 6. We don’t think we have to say this, but grammar counts. So does spelling. Punctuation counts and consistency is everything. It doesn’t matter if you end your bulleted descriptions for each job with periods or not, as long as you treat each line in the same way. 7. Cover letters matter. Some people may tell you otherwise, but those people are WRONG. Especially when you are starting with a fairly modest amount of work experience backing you up, your pointed interest in a position, as evidenced in a carefully crafted cover letter, can often be the key to moving on to the next phase of the recruitment process. A cover letter should not be a repetition of your resume, but merely a summary of the most relevant items from your experience and how they specifically apply to the position in question. Mentioning how you heard about the job posting, why you are interested in the job or any other personal connection you may have to the company you work for (you use their products!) can all be helpful in winning over a recruiter. 8. Almost all of the best internship positions advertise and fill their slots early, so don’t wait. Search on places like Craigslist, Internships.com or target a company’s website if you think you might be interested in a position they have to offer. And do it now! About Thea HogarthView all posts by Thea Hogarth » Did you land the internship? Find out how to make the most of it. EXPERT TIPS »
Saturday, May 23, 2020
Cbi Holdings Inc - 843 Words
CBI Holdings Case 2.6 Background CBI Holding a New York based firm serves as the parent company for several wholly owned subsidiaries. Ernst and Young became CBI’s independent auditors and performed audits for CBI’s financial statements from 1990 through 1993. Ernst and Young failed to investigate the alleged advances and conform to clients facts which may include investigating credit limit and analyzing vendor’s payable accounts. Instead the auditors record in their work papers the client’s feeble explanation for the advances. After investigations from a former CBI accountant and CBI controller, Ernst and Young have determined that CBI auditors had failed to detect unrecorded liabilities because they had failed to properly perform†¦show more content†¦With respect to (b), consideration should be given, among other things, to the time elapsed since the financial statements were issued.†(AU 561 – .09a) states that, â€Å"If the auditor has been able to make a sa tisfactory investigation of the information and has determined that the information is reliable: (i) The disclosure should describe the effect the subsequently acquired information would have had on the auditor s report if it had been known to him at the date of his report and had not been reflected in the financial statements. The disclosure should include a description of the nature of the subsequently acquired information and of its effect on the financial statements. (ii) The information disclosed should be as precise and factual as possible and should not go beyond that which is reasonably necessary to accomplish the purpose mentioned in the preceding subparagraph (i). Comments concerning the conduct or motives of any personShow MoreRelatedCbi Case Solution992 Words  | 4 PagesCBI Holding Company, Inc. Case Solution I. Summary A CBI Holding Company was a New-York based parent company for several wholly-owned subsidiaries. These marketed an extensive line of pharmaceutical products that were purchased from drug manufactures, warehoused in storage facilities and then resold to retail pharmacies, hospitals long-term care facilities and related entities. CBI’s chairman and president Robert Castello was the seat of the CBI‘s troubles and principal implementer ofRead MoreJet2 Task 1 Report Essay7823 Words  | 32 PagesBikes, Inc. 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Monday, May 11, 2020
Atonement and the Failure of the General Point of View
Jett McAlister Narrative POV Seminar 2 March 2004 Atonement and the Failure of the General Point of View Atonement’s chief narrative feature is McEwan’s use of an embedded authorâ€â€Briony Tallisâ€â€whose text is nearly coterminous with the novel itself. This technique is of course not a new one: Sterne’s Sentimental Journey and MacKenzie’s Man of Feeling are both framed as the written accounts of their protagonists. McEwan’s trick in Atonement, though, is presumably that we are to be ignorant of the presence of this embedded author until very close to the end of the book. The chief effect of this is that we are forced to retroactively reconsider our epistemological position vis-à -vis the novel’s characters and its events, a†¦show more content†¦If we compare the epistemological position of an omniscient God to that of a person, we can suggest that God can see things from a point of view that supercedes even the general point of view: God has an â€Å"absolute†point of view in which all points of view can be se en through and judged for their accuracy or completion; the individual’s point of view is limited and escapable only through imaginative sympathy. Briony-as-God, however, lacks this absolute point of view; as an author, she imagines her characters points of view without instantiating them. Chapters focalized on Cecilia or Robbie show us not their points of view, but Briony’s imagination of them. But because she is haunted by her own epistemological limitsâ€â€as well as her â€Å"feeling†that she is more â€Å"real†than other peopleâ€â€her imaginative creation fails to allow her to enter other points of view; she cannot, that is, be â€Å"at one†with her characters. The distance between Briony and her characters, her inability to be â€Å"at one†with them, through the experience of either a general or an absolute point of view, makes atonement (â€Å"at-one-ment†) impossible. Questions 1. My point that, on a first reading of Atonement, we are â€Å"supposed†to experience different focalizations as reliable rests on the idea that McEwan, in writing the novel, attempted to keep Briony’s status as author from us. But is this the case? To what degreeShow MoreRelatedTypes Of Christian Ethics By H.richard Niebuhr1677 Words  | 7 Pagesjustice, and offer their own perspectives on the common topic. I. Types of Christian Ethics by H.Richard Niebuhr 1. 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Although in some sense the oral Torah was never considered complete , due to a change in civilization always mendampakkan new circumstances that against the law to be applied , but in general, the oral Torah is considered to have received definitive shape in the Talmud that , even in the more narrow sense in which Midrasim ( single Midrash ) , ie the descriptions ( aggada ) official reply , especially that of the devotional books ofRead MoreA Profile Of Hamilton Albert Fish 2114 Words  | 9 Pagesextremely infantilistic...I outlined his abnormal mental make-up, and his mental disease, which I diagnosed as paranoid psychosis....Because Fish suffered from delusions and particularly was so mixed up about the questions of punishment, sin, atonement, religion, torture, self-punishment, he had a perverted, a distorted -- if you want, an insane -- knowledge of right and wrong. 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Perhaps more importantly, trivial facts provided by Joyce defend the general lack of information that exists throughout the rest of the novel. The fact that Joyce titled his novel Ulysses but edited out the episode titles we still use today creates several major dilemmas. To what extent is Ulysses simply a modern retelling
Wednesday, May 6, 2020
Gmos Free Essays
Shayna Powell GMO: Helpful or Harmful? The battle about genetically modified food is intensifying more and more each day as to whether it is doing more harm than good to the health of the environment and the general population. While there is some potential for a successful GMO world, there are far too many risks and safety factors involved. The factors include the unknown consequences of eating GMOs, the effect of genetic engineering on the environment and genetic diversity, and the massive amounts of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides required in GMOs. We will write a custom essay sample on Gmos or any similar topic only for you Order Now These products are unsafe, unnatural, and have the potential to cause irreversible damage in the future. Others who disagree might argue that GMOs increase food supply, tolerance of harsh environmental conditions on crops, and pest and disease resistance. While these arguments may have some validity, the idea that these products can be very unsafe and damaging cannot be excused because of these pros. First, genetic engineering can reduce genetic diversity. Plants with reduced genetic diversity cannot handle drought, fungus, or pests as well as natural plants can. GMOs strengthen homogeneity and increase the vulnerability of crops to environmental changes. There is also a concern for the spread of altered genes to weeds and other wild relatives creating â€Å"super-weeds†that will be resistant to herbicides found in GMOs. This in turn would defeat the purpose of genetically engineering crops. In the end, the GM process will be more costly to farmers and agriculture itself. In addition, GMOs require massive amounts of herbicides, pesticides, and fungicides. According to Mark Anslow, Ecologist Editor, â€Å"no genetically modifies crop has yet eliminated the need for chemical fertilizers in order to achieve expected yields. †(Anslow, 464) Also, these chemicals are poisonous and should never be eaten. Why then would companies such as Syngenta and Monsanto find it safe for humans to ingest such poison? Finally, the consequences of eating GM products are widely unknown. Experts say that 60 to 70 percent of processed foods have ingredients that have been genetically modified. That means that most breakfast cereals, snack foods, some baby foods, sodas and oils are being consumed without known risks. In addition, food items that contain GMOs are not labeled in America. According to Jeffrey Smith â€Å"altered nutrients and toxins can result in developmental problems. †(Smith, 471) This has resulted in the nutritional studies on young and developing animals. However humans are very different from animals and could have far different reactions than those shown form tests done on animals. In order to prevent future disasters, long-term studies of biotech foods should be conducted to determine long-term effects. In conclusion, too many risk factors exist for GMOs to be overlooked as a harmless biological advancement. Studies should be done overtime to reveal what effects genetically engineered food can have on the environment and the consumers in the future. While trying to make a â€Å"quick-fix†in the shortcoming of nature, responsible actions should be taken to ensure the safety and well-being of those partaking in the GMO movement. Works Cited Anslow, Mark. â€Å"Ten Reasons Why GM Won’t Feed the World. †Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments Smith, Jeffrey. â€Å"Another Reason for Schools to Ban Genetically Modified Foods†Good Reasons with Contemporary Arguments How to cite Gmos, Papers
Thursday, April 30, 2020
The mindless body Essays - Historical Revisionism, Mass Surveillance
Dissent, Assent, and the Body in Nineteen Eighty-Four by Naomi Jacobs describes several versions of an oppositional body that can resist dystopia. With the refusal to submit to the discomforts of everyday life by Winston, then the naked body of Julia in lovemaking. Jacobs ?must argue that the devastating pessimism of Orwell?s great novel is based upon an inconsistent and ultimately impoverished model of the body? (1). I agree with Jacobs?s thesis because it would be hard to accept the contradictory ideals and concepts of the party. The rewriting of history, to meet the party?s needs and give a false since of history to the people, to have them think as the party want them to. With being watched by the party all the time and having to control your facial expression and not have any wrongful thoughts, it would be like a body without a mind like a zombie. In Orwell?s novel, it described the breaking and reforming of man by pain. However, I would have to agree with Jacobs ?that minds do not always break under torture, that some people suffer appalling pain and fear and yet refuse to betray their loved ones and their comrades? (14). The strength and the power of loved ones and comrades can give the strength to overcome the pain and fear to protect loved ones and comrades. In conclusion, I agree with Jacobs?s thesis that Orwell underestimated the power and limits of the body and mind. The body and mind can withstand more than what Orwell would let us believe. I think Jacobs was right on the money with his thesis.
Saturday, March 21, 2020
Tips for Filling Out USCIS Forms
Tips for Filling Out USCIS Forms Let’s face it, even native-born American citizens don’t like filling out forms for the federal government. For an immigrant, the task can be daunting. Language barriers and cultural differences can complicate even simple, straightforward communication with the government. Each year, U.S. Citizenship and Immigration Services receives millions of forms and applications from immigrants. Unfortunately, untold thousands of those are rejected or discarded because they were not filled out properly. Here are some simple tips to make sure the government accepts your form: Make sure you fill out the form legibly. If it’s messy or damaged and the government can’t read it, you’ll have not chance of getting what you want.Answer all questions truthfully and completely. It can be a serious offense to give the government incorrect information.Make sure the spelling is correct - especially with names. If you need help understanding the English, then get help. Generally, most applicants will not need to consult an immigration attorney to fill out a form. You can do it yourself! But if you have a complicated you, you may want to seek a lawyer’s advice. Follow the instructions carefully. If you need to send a fee with your document, make sure you send the right amount the right way.Don’t forget to sign your form. An unsigned form is a simple mistake that can delay your case for months. USCIS is constantly changing its forms, so it’s important you are sure you are filling out the right one. Here are some tips from the government. Remember that forms and applications are free, though there may be a charge to file them. Beware of dishonest service providers who might try to charge you for a blank form. A warning from the federal government: Never pay for a blank USCIS form! Some useful tips from USCIS: You can get a form by downloading them on line at the USCIS website, or by calling 1-800-870-3676.Make sure you are using the most current version of the form you want. Again, USCIS is changing and revising them all the time.When possible, download the form from the USCIS website and complete it with a computer. This will help ensure your document is legible.If you do write your answers by hand, use black ink and make sure your writing is neat and stays within the space provided.USCIS uses special scanners to read forms and documents. The scanners will not read the information properly if it is greyed-out, highlighted or corrected using correction fluid or tape. Take time to make sure your for form is as neat as possible!If you do make an error, the government recommends that you start over with a clean form. Again, they’re free!Complete the entire form. A partially completed form will not get you what you want. Barcoded Forms - USCIS Adds New Technology USCIS says it has added 2D barcode technology to some of its most used forms. They include: G-28, I-90, I-131, I-821, I-864 and N-400.The government says that when you complete these barcoded forms with a computer, the barcode at the bottom of the page will store the data entered on the form. USCIS will be able to scan the information from the barcode and upload it directly into the USCIS system.USCIS says you are not required to complete the barcoded forms electronically, but immigrants are encouraged to use them and to visit the government’s online form site. Remember the barcode captures only typed information; handwritten information is not captured by the barcode. So, you have to complete the forms fully electronically or full in handwriting.Take care not to damage the barcode. Give Your Form One Last InspectionBefore you file your form, look it over one last time to make sure it’s accurate and complete.USCIS says you should check these things in particular:Did you sign it?Are you sending the correct fee if one is required?Have you answered everything truthfully and completely?If you are sending more than one form, have you written your name and date of birth exactly the same way on each form? This is very important, whether you’re trying to get a visa, applying for citizenship or just changing an address.Are you mailing your form to the correct government address? If you’re not sure, check it.
Thursday, March 5, 2020
Complete Official ACT Practice Tests, Free Links
Complete Official ACT Practice Tests, Free Links SAT / ACT Prep Online Guides and Tips No matter how you prep for the ACT- whether you have a tutor, take a class, or study by yourself- you must get access to official ACT tests. These tests are released by ACT, Inc. and contain real questions given to actual students on previous test dates. These questions have been removed from circulation (so you won't ever see them on a real test), but their quality is second to none when it comes to ACT realism. In this post, I'll tell you how to find all currently available official ACT practice tests. Most are free and offer a good way to get your feet wet with ACT prep. We'll also discuss how to use these tests to improve your ACT score. A Quick Intro to ACT Practice Tests The ACT format hasn't changed much in the past decade (except for the essay), so tests released in 2008 are almost as good as tests released in 2018. We'll give you the tests in the following section, and then teach you how to best make use of them. Be aware that practice tests are not a cure-all for all ACT problems. Definitely learn what practice tests do and don't do and understand the dangers of abusing practice tests. In addition, make sure you take them at the optimal frequency and aren't taking full practice tests too close to your test date. All Free, Full-Length ACT Practice Tests The following ACT practice tests are totally free. We've gathered all of them together in one place for your convenience. Currently, there are six PDF tests that you can print out and take on paper: ACT Practice Test 2018-19 (Form 74FPRE) Test: p-55. Answer key: p57-60. ACT Practice Test 2015-16 (Form 72CPRE) Test: p-55. Answer key: p57-62. ACT Practice Test 2014-15 (Form 67C) Test: p-51 (ignore the essay). Answer key: p56-62. ACT Practice Test 20-12 (Form 64E) Test: p13-56 (ignore the essay). Answer key: p60-65. ACT Practice Test 2008-09 (Form 61C) Test: p13-55 (ignore the essay). Answer key: p60-64. ACT Practice Test 2005-06 (Form 59F) Test: p13-55 (ignore the essay). Answer key: p60-65. Notice a few years missing? That's because ACT, Inc. duplicates the same test in different years. For example, the 2015-16 test is identical to the 2016-17 and 2017-18 tests and the 2018-19 test is identical to the 2019-20 test. We've included the form ID with each test so that you can confirm for yourself what's the same and what's not (you can find this code at the bottom-left of each page on the tests). There is also one ACT free online sample test. Although the test format is a little clunky, it's overall a convenient digital resource. To use it, click through each section to answer questions in short batches. Once you receive your scores for a question set, you'll move on to the next batch of questions. Unfortunately, these features make it impossible to take this ACT test under realistic timing conditions, but at least you can get some helpful practice with it. 2 Official ACT Practice Test Resources You Can Buy So far, we've given you all free, official ACT practice tests. But what about paid practice tests? For even more high-quality practice, consider buying the following official ACT practice tests. The Official ACT Prep Guide, 2019-2020 Edition Price: About $21 This official prep book is definitely the best resource for realistic ACT practice questions. Don't bother using Kaplan or The Princeton Review for practice tests, as their quality is far inferior to the tests created by ACT, Inc. The 2019-20 edition includes five full-length ACT practice tests with essay prompts. One of these tests is new to the 2019-20 edition and one of them also appears in the 2018-19 edition, but the other three are the same tests as those in the 2018 and 2016-17 editions. Therefore, you might want to consider buying a copy of the third edition (which has five unique practice tests) in addition to the 2019-20 edition for extra practice. ACT Online Program Price: $39.95 This official online program includes two extra full-length ACT practice tests and many authentic practice questions that reflect the most recent changes to the ACT. The online prep material forlearning the subjects isn't all that great, however, so you're really only buying it for the tests. How to Use Official ACT Tests: 4 Tips Because each ACT practice test takes about four hours to complete, it's important for you to get the most out of every one you take. Below, we go over some important tips to keep in mind when taking these official ACT practice tests: But before we get to our tips, it's worth reiterating that practice tests can't be used to address all possible ACT problems. If you're struggling to understand certain concepts, for example, you'll need to make sure you're brushing up on your content review and learning difficult topics from scratch. So while ACT practice tests are an excellent way to track your progress, they certainly aren't the only resources out there! Now, we'll show you how you can use ACT practice tests to your advantage. #1: Take Each Test in One Sitting The ACT is a marathon that forces you to sit and concentrate for four hours on an early Saturday morning. You need to build up your test-taking stamina so that you don't make careless mistakes at the end of the exam. By taking each ACT practice test in one sitting, you'll increase your endurance for the real test. If you don't have time in your schedule for a four-hour session, splitting it up over multiple days is OK- as long as you heed our next tip. #2: Use Official Time Limits It is critical that you recreate the time limits on the ACT as you take practice tests. Each section requires you to answer one or more questions in about a minute, which causes most students to end up with less time than they need, especially on the Math section. But don't be tempted to give yourself even two extra minutes, as this could unfairly let you finish more questions, thereby improving your score substantially. Remember that ACT practice tests should be reliable indicators of your real ACT score. If you give yourself more time than what's allowed on the test, you won't be able to see where you're actually scoring. #3: Review Your Answers At the end of every test, be sure to review every mistake you made as well as every question you got correct. If you bypass this step, you're not going to learn from your mistakes, and you'll continue making the same ones over and over again. A rule of thumb is to spend at least two hours reviewing every full ACT practice test you take. Though this is time consuming, it's important that you emphasize quality of learning over quantity of learning. In the end, it's better to take three tests with detailed review than it is to take six tests with no review. #4: No Improvement? Supplement Your Practice Tests While some students can learn from their mistakes, others need guidance to point out where their weaknesses are and assignments to help them directly improve upon their weak points. A good prep program can supercharge your ACT prep so that you're always focusing on the best material. Check out our industry-leading online ACT prep program. We've designed it to cover all the advantages of ACT books and tutors- and more- at an affordable price. Featuring in-depth strategy lessons and thousands of practice questions, our program uses the best content from the leading prep books. It also guides you step by step through what you should be working on at every moment to best improve your ACT score. This works by customizing to your strengths and weaknesses, and then giving you focused practice to help you learn the patterns on the test. Finally, it motivates you to study so that you put in enough time. There's a 4-point guarantee, too- meaning that if you don't improve your score by 4 points or more, you'll get all of your money back! For other ACT prep resources, take a look at our guides to the best ACT prep books, the best ACT websites, and how to find an ACT tutor. What's Next? Want more ACT practice? Check out our massive collection of official and unofficial ACT practice tests. And if you're hoping to hone your math skills specifically, we've compiled the best ACT Math practice tests in a separate guide. Taken the ACT already but unhappy with your score? Use our guide to decide whether you should retake the ACT. Not sure when to take the ACT? Get a complete study plan for the ACT to figure out the best date for you. Check out our industry leading ACT prep program. We have a 4 point improvement guarantee- improve your ACT composite score by 4 points, or get every dollar of your money back. We're that confident in our program.
Monday, February 17, 2020
Managing Contention for Shared Resources on Multicore Processors Case Study - 1
Managing Contention for Shared Resources on Multicore Processors - Case Study Example As a result, they ran a group of applications on different schedules, paired differently such that each application had the opportunity to pair with the other applications. They ran each possible schedule in the same memory domain rather than as an individual entity. In doing this they managed to attain the actual degradation of each bench mark while sharing the same memory domain as another bench mark. They then compared the actual best schedule with the estimated best schedule, that is they compared the degradation of the estimated best schedule in relation to the actual best one. They concluded that high-rate-miss applications should not be combined with low-rate-miss applications. Zhuravlev et al.(2) adds that previous works meant to improve thread performance in multicore systems was based on cache contention as it was assumed that it was the main, if not the only cause of performance degradation. They also state that (Zhuravlev et al. 20) "in this context cache contention is suffering extra cache misses because its co-runner (threads running on cores that share the same LLC) bring their own data into the LLC evicting the data of others." As stated by (Federova et al. 45) when a thread requests a cache line that doesnt exist, then a cache miss is registered, and a new cache line must be allocated. Chandra, Guo, Kim and Salihin (nd, p1) indicate that the sharing of a cache by threads in multicore processors is important to prevent redundancy. However, when several threads share the same cache, they compete for the available cache space. The sharing of cache space isnt uniform and therefore, the performance of those threads that access less cache space is greatly reduced. Federova et al. (32) have throughout the analysis aim to prove that the best formula to avoid contention in multicore processor systems is by building a contention-aware scheduler. They state that assigning applications to cores depending on the best possible schedule, may
Monday, February 3, 2020
Analyze the production of M.Butterfly Research Paper
Analyze the production of M.Butterfly - Research Paper Example David Hwang’s M Butterfly is one of the literary works that best speaks of the Asian nation and culture. It showcases the actual traits of Asian people giving birth to a new perception of their capacity in opposed to the world’s stereotyping. David Henry Hwang’s M. Butterfly is a fictional play that is based on historical account of a French diplomat that had an affair with a Chinese opera singer, who is after all a man. The play had its premiere at Eugene O’Neill Theatre on Broadway in the year 1988. The play garnered several Tony Awards. It is contextually rich and is considered as a spectacular, intriguing, and shocking tale that moves audiences not just from the East but also the population of the West. A close examination of this literary work creates an impact to the viewer’s perspective about gender, identity, cultural race, concepts of self and the issues of pervasive implications of stereotyping gender and race. The play is illuminating and shocking, portraying a different perspective to the audience about the grotesque clash of illusion with reality in the complex web of stereotypes. The play of M. Butterfly is set in a present day prison in Paris, France. Points in the history are revealed through flashbacks, dreams and memories. It started with Monsieur Rene Gallimard’s narration about his life at the cell. He dreams of a woman Song Liling, dancing to a love duet. Gallimard continues his hallucination of the events in the opera imagining himself as Pinkerton, a masculine figure. He thought to himself that the events in his past are similar with what happened in the opera, with him as the sensitive one. Scenes of Gallimard’s childhood are shown revealing his deep insecurity with the girls. There is a hint of identity crises in Gallimard based on the flashback scenes in the play. Liling Song, the opera singer, who plays the Madame Butterfly in the play, was
Sunday, January 26, 2020
Objective Of One Shot Coffee Shop Marketing Essay
Objective Of One Shot Coffee Shop Marketing Essay One Shot coffee shop is a new company that will be set at hotel royal queens at 12 queen street Singapore. The One Shot coffee shop provide the coffee and the comfortable environment for the customer, One Shot coffee shop will be a partnership company and will beginning operation on December 30,2012. President of One Shot coffee shop is Mr. Wang and the vice president of One Shot coffee shop is Mr. Kun, vice president has a 45% share of the company, and president has a 55% share of the company. President of the company also is a CEO of the coffee shop, the CEO Manager the employees, and the vice president in charge with the goods supply. The location of the One Shot coffee shop is established at hotel royal queens at 12 queen street Singapore, it is a century of Singapore, and the hotel also had a good sales, so it will take many customer to the One Shot coffee shop. 1.2The objective of One Shot coffee shop One Shot coffee shops objectives for the first year of operations are: 1. Become selected as the Best New Coffee Bar in the area by the local restaurant guide. 2. Turn in profits from the first month of operations. 3. Maintain a 65% gross margin. 2.Vision and Mission 2.1 Vision A vision can be defined as an eye chart, sometimes also referred to as the Company in the picture, but it is so much more than this. Your vision statement is your inspiration, your strategic planning framework. An eye chart, can be applied to a single sector of the entire company or the company. Whether all or part of an organization, the eye chart to answer the question, Where we want to go? Become the leading branded coffee shops in the region to business casual, taking into account the mood of consumer. About three years to recover the total investment cost, and gradually began to profit. 2.2 Mission Mission statement is a statement of the purpose of company or organization its reason for existing. The mission statement should guide the actions of the organization. spell out its overall goal, provide a path, and guide decision-making. It provides the framework or context within which the companys strategies are formulated. Hill, Ch, Jones, G. (2008) To become a leader in this industry and provide a stable and reasonable income for the owners of the place for investment. (2) The successful completion of the construction and development of the stores, and gradually withdraw the investment capital. 3.Product and service Product and service are when a firm offer a mix of both products and services, in compare to the traditional focus on products. As define by a marketable set of products and services capable of jointly fulfilling a users need. largely motivated by the need on the part of traditionally oriented manufacturing firms to cope with changing market forces and the recognition that services in combination with products could provide higher profits than product alone.Face with shrink markets and increased commercialization of their products, those firms saw service provision as a new path toward profits and growth. 3.1The main product and service Cappuccino With less milk than a latte, cappuccino offers a stronger espresso flavor and a luxurious texture. To make it properly require more skill and attentiveness. Arguably the most important things is frothing the foam to velvety perfection as the milk steams something One Shot coffee shop barrister take great care to achieve . The milk mous tache that clings to your upper lip is proof weve made yours right. And we may say, you wear it well. Espresso Smooth and versatile Espresso Roast is the very heart and soul of One Shot. Its rich flavor, lingering aroma and caramel sweetness make it the perfect found for lattes, cappuccinos and all One Shot coffee shop espresso based beverages. But you can also enjoy it all by itself indeed, that might be the best way to discover its nuances. White Chocolate Mocha White chocolate fans will tell you they like it elegant, creamy taste. Its smooth subtle, is a perfect complement to a bolder taste. There is no bolder than we are rich, full-bodied espresso tastes. And it turns out, there is no better way to experience the decadent white chocolate, rather than in this delicious beverage. Caramel Macchia-to Scores of people are passionate devotees of the signature beverage. So bewitch are they, youd think it was any kinds of magical elixir. Well theres no hocus pock here. Well tell you exactly what goes into it: creamy vanilla flavored syrup, freshly steamed milk with a topping of velvety rich foam, one intense hit of One Shot Espresso roast, a finish of buttery caramel drizzle. okay, we take it back. It sounds like is magic to us. but it taste even better. Vanilla Latte There are many delicious ways to join espresso, but one of that couldnt be more classic is that Vanilla latte. Just need a few ingredient make up that favorite: One Shot Signature espresso. Creamy steamed milk and our classic vanillas syrup. Simple, .Satisfying always. 4.Industry summary and analysis 4.1PESTEL This sector examines in detail the external environment as well as the macroeconomic forces include the current issues such as the global financial crisis, inflation, etc. facing the coffee industry operates. In this case, an analysis and estimation of the main external environment factors to the One Shot coffee shop by using the PESTEL Analysis. Any analysis of the successes and failures facing a SME must understand the macro environment within which a SME operates (Barney and Hesterly, 2008). The PESTEL framework is designed to provide managers with an analytic-al tool to identify different macro-environment factors that may business strategies, and to assess what difference environmental factor may influence the business performance now or in future. The PESTEL framework include six types of important environment influences: political, economic social, technological, environmental and legal factors. These factors would not be seen as independent factor. Factor such as a technological advances may probably affect the social and economic conditions in different markets. 4.1.1Political factors The political factor is to what extent the government intervention in the economy. Specifically, political factors, such as tax policy, labor law, environmental law, trade restrictions, tariffs, and political stability. Political factors may also include goods and services, the government should provide or provided (merit goods), the government does not want (demerit goods or advantages of bads). In addition, governments have great influence in health, education, and a national infrastructure It is known that Singapore is a very stable country with low social risk, at the same time; the government of Singapore is encourage more and more tourists to Singapore, ;like the government building the casino in Singapore, the government also want more tourists come to Singapore. The government agencies in Singapore play a very active role in promoting Singapore as a global destination. Under the guidance of STB (Singapore tourism board) it takes majors to promote itself as a MICE destination. For such a good political factors let the business in Singapore get more benefit. Hence, the One Shot coffee shop may run its business stability and benefit its investment profitability under Singapores strong government policies. 4.1.2Legal factors Legal factors include discrimination law, consumer protection law, antitrust law, labor law, health and safety laws.These factors may affect the Companys operations, its cost, and the demand for its products. As Singapores law is very strict and the government will protect Intellectual property rights and doesnt allow other companies to infringe the copyright and intellectual property so it is very good for company to compete with each other fairly. For the One Shot coffee shop in Singapore its intellectual property rights had been protect under the Singapores legal. 4.1.3Economic factors Economic factors such as economic growth, interest rates, exchange rates and inflation rate. These factors have significant impact on the enterprise how it works, and make a decision. For example, interest rates affect the companys cost of capital, and therefore, the extent to which the business growth and expansion. Exchange rates affect the cost of export goods and the supply and price of imported goods in the economic Based on trade, economics (2011), Singapores per capita GDP (gross domestic product) is higher than most developed countries. In fact, with the economic development of Singapores economy diversified, open trade policies, international communication links, and attract multinational investment. Singapore is a vibrant economy, and its economy is heavily dependent on exports. From 2007 to 2010, 7.62% of the to enjoy average GDP growth. It enjoys a higher per capita income than most developed countries. February 14, 2007, the Singapore government announced that the annual economic growth of 7.9% in 2006, 7.7% higher than originally anticipated. Singapores unemployment rate was 2.2%, around February 20, 2009. As of August 7, 2010, Singapore is one of the worlds fastest growing economies, the growth rate was 17.9% in the first half of 2010. Singapore is a highly abundant natural resources. Have advanced the state of the infrastructure, including country hotels, roads, transport facilities, telecommunicate facilities, aviation services. One Shot coffee shop might be an opportunity in such a good condition. 4.1.4Social factors Social factors include the cultural aspects of health consciousness, population growth rate, age distribution, career attitudes and emphasis on the safety. Trend of social factors on the impact of the companys products and needs, the companys operations. For example, the aging of the population may mean a smaller, more willing workforce (thus increasing the cost of labor). In addition, the company may change to a different management strategy, in order to adapt to these social trends (such as to hire older workers). Social environment in SMEs is concerned about innovation, risk taking, and large-scale transformation to social problem solving (Kuratko, 2008). Singapore has a very vibrant cosmopolitan culture. It has a very strong education system. Everyone is comfortable with English. Along with business tourism opportunities it has great facilities for leisure activities such as state of the art shopping malls, casinos, resorts, restaurants etc. Thus it can be concluded that the social factors are very supportive for the coffee industry in Singapore. Singapore is considered as a very safe city. 4.1.5Technological factors Technical factors, including the technical aspects, such as R D activity, automation, technology incentives, technological change speed. They were able to determine the access threshold, the minimum efficient production level and influence outsourcing decisions. In addition, changes in technology will affect the cost, quality and lead to innovation. There is no doubt that the modern technology not only improves all the coffee equipments quality and productivity. but also accelerate the commercialization process of the coffee business. SMEs primarily face challenge of technologies in transportation, utility, health care, electrical, and computer industries. Technological forces can create new markets, reduce and eliminate cost barriers between businesses (David, 2009). Using a professional Espresso coffee machine made by Italian, never on the details of some coffee neglect. 4.1.6Environmental factors The environment factors such as the weather and climate change. The One Shot coffee shop will set hotel royal queens at 12 queen street Singapore. the weather and climate change doesnt affect One Shot coffee shop. 4.2SWOT Humphrey, Albert (December 2005). SWOT analysis is a strategic planning method used to evaluate the Strengths, Weaknesses, Limitations, Opportunities, and Threats are involved in one project or in a commercial venture. It involved specifying the objectives of the business venture or project and identifying the internal and external factors that are favorable and unfavorable to achieve that objective. By using SWOT analysis can assist One Shot coffee shop to identify the internal weakness and external threats factors, then improve the performance and search the benefits from opportunities and counter the threats as well. 4.2.1STRENGTHS The freshest coffee. Now cook baked transported on a weekly basis, to ensure that the beans are in the peak of tasting The most rigorous training. Three months to six months rigorous training of professional coffee Daren implement the recipe from the coffee to the professional knowledge of coffee plus Leadership and Service concept, inject One Shot passion for each cup of coffee. The most professional and coffee.  A professional Espresso coffee machine of Italian, never on the details of any coffee neglect. The most comfortable environment.  Most spacious seating space, with the tone of European art-style decor, and free wireless Internet service offers consumers the most comfortable and convenient dining environment The special location. In this hotel just have one coffee shop inside. 4.2.2WEAKNESSES Affected by the location, almost customers are the person who is live in this hotel. One Shot coffee shop is a new company, almost customer are like the Starbucks. 4.2.3OPPORTUNITIES An unfulfilled customer need. There is an opportunity to increase the customer base by advertising as well as developing the new products and services. The merger or other types of expansion strategy can be considered as the opportunities factors when this coffee shop business plan get to the stage of maturity. The coffee shop set in hotel industry is a new developing market. 4.2.4THREATS Price wars with competitors. Some of competitors strive to earn a higher market share by selling its products and services at a lower price. New entrants and cost: the threat of new entrants in the market is a critic elements. This is a growth factor in the development, but also the threat of new entrants,intense competition and rapid deployment in the target market. 4.3 Porters five forces The porters five forces model of competitive analysis is a widely used approach for developing strategies in many industries. Indeed, the five forces model can determine the kinds of competitive forces are the firm staffs facing and measure the force on how strong are there in different parts the company facing. The figure shows the porters five forces model of competition below. Porters five forces model of competition Threat of new entrants Bargaining power of buyers Bargaining power of suppliers Rivalry a mongst existing firms in the industry Threat of substitute products or services Porter Five force High Medium Low Competitive Rivalry à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Threats of New Entry à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Bargaining Power of Customers à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Bargaining Power of Suppliers à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ Threats of substitution à ¢Ã‹â€ Ã… ¡ (Source: diagram created for this assignment) 4.3.1Threat of new entrants (high) The threat of new entrants is the threat of new competitors in the industry, existing competitors. A profitable industry realized profits will attract more competitors. If these new entrants is very easy to enter the market low barriers to entry the company has been a threat to competition in this market. More competitive while consumer demand increases or increase capacity which means less profit to go around. According to the power of one of Porters five forces model, the threat of new entrants, shape the competitive structure of an industry. Porters definition of the threat of new entrants, and completely changed the way people look at an industry competitive. Coffee shop is a low expensive shop , and One Shot coffee shop is a new brand in Singapore,the required investment is low. The major cost includes the real estate and coffee related equipments. Franchise is also an option that investment risks are low,Barriers to entry are low, thus the threat of new entrants are high due to low switch cost, and low capital requirements, and low restrictions. So the threat of new entrants is high. 4.3.2Threat of substitute products or services (high) The threat of substitute products or services: product substitutes and other products to perform the same or similar functions. Professor of microeconomics, more alternatives, the demand for the product becomes more elastic. The elasticity of demand is the consumer price sensitivity, which is equivalent to less certainty of profits. An attractive alternative to price the price of alternatives as the upper limit of the price of the underlying product. An attractive alternative behavior, depressed prices to reach its profit potential of the industry. Improved quality, alternatives alternatives quality is high, there are more and more pressure, the increase in the quality of the main product. Low switching costs passed on to consumers switching costs for consumers can come in the form of currency conversion costs cost or lifestyle. The monetary cost to the price of alternative products, and the cost of living is subjective, it is difficult to determine. In either case, more easily and lower cost is to switch to the alternative, the Alternate higher threat. Other substitutes tea, juice, soft drinks, alcohol and other coffee and non-coffee related drinks. given the sensitivity of consumers to price of coffee and a number of substitute available, the significance of the threat from substitutes is high. 4.3.3Bargaining power of suppliers (medium) Powerful bargaining power of suppliers, the seller and the buyer, the seller greater influence. This effect can be used to reduce the profit the buyer more favorable pricing, the limit product or service quality, or part of the cost is passed on to the buyer, the supplier is powerful. coffee is supplied by a variety of farms from South America or Africa. Third of all the coffee farms are less than one third. Industry main hedge position by diversifying those supplier portfolio. The power of suppliers is medium since there is a wide array of farmlands that supply specialty coffee beans, however, the farmers do supply a differentiated product. 4.3.4Bargaining power of buyers (Low) Porters five forces buyer bargaining power is consumer pressure, can play on the enterprise, allowing them to provide higher quality products and better customer service, lower prices. In the analysis of the bargaining power of buyers, industry analysis, from the sellers point of view. According to Porters five forces industry analysis framework, the buyer power of the forces shaping one of the competitive structure of an industry. The number of buyers in the industry is large, and their purchases are low volume. Industrys products, service and experience are differentiated.A cup of coffee does not represent a significant fraction a buyers cost of living. The buyers power is low because of that they lacked negotiation power and the ability to force down prices and pit competitors against each other. 4.3.5Rivalry among-st existing firms in the industry (Medium) Competitiveness increasingly competitive, when one or more competitors see an opportunity to grow, and competitors customers, or feel the need to attract more customers because of low profitability. Competition in the industrial competitiveness is an important issue, usually there will be many competitors are trying to carry out a sufficient rate of return on investment, profitability is generally low. Several competitors those who have already established a competitive advantage the profits of treason, but the more competitive competition means that the balance of payments, and generate enough cash to survive the struggle. Retaliation competitive competition intensified, the reaction of competitors, an aggressive strategy, with its own offensive or defensive strategy. This kind of competition is often the reasons for lower prices, competitors use a marginal contribution to the cost of administrative expenses. However, the competitiveness of the competition by fighting in advertising, product introduction and customer service. One Shot coffee shop is a coffee shop in the hotel ,The intensity of rivalry is medium because of the numerous competitor within the industry, despite it being a growing at 15% annually. On the other hand, there is no evidence of price or advertising wars within the industry. 5.Market strategy One Shot Cultures marketing strategy will be focused at getting new customer, retaining the exist customers, got customers to spend more or come back more often. Building a loyal customer base is a paramount importance since such customer core will not only generate most of the sales but also will provide favorable referrals. 5.1Competitive Edge One Shot culture, positioning itself as a unique coffee bar, its customers can not only enjoy the perfect coffee a cup, but also spent time in the surrounding environment. Comfortable sofas and chairs, dim lighting and quiet relaxing music will help customers relax from everyday stress, to distinguish single from incumbent competitors culture. 5.2Sales strategy The shooting cultural balistas the processing sales transactions. In order to speed up customer service, and at least two employees to provide services to customers of an employee, customer orders will be ready, the other employees will be taken care of sales transactions. All data will be recorded on the sales of computer point-of-sale terminal in the subsequent analysis for marketing purposes. In order to build its customer base, we will use the banner of a single culture and flyers, customer referrals with other businesses, communities and cross-promotional. At the same time, the customer retention program will be used to ensure that customers come back and spend more coffee. 5.3Marketing mix The Marketing mix is a common words that used to describe a various choices which the company must process the procedure of bringing a specific services or products to the market. Besides, it is also known as the four Ps which include the Price, Place, Product and Promotion. (Kamil et al 2009) 5.3.1Product strategy The product actually means that the service or product introduced by the company which offer to the customer of the target market. In this business plan, the product of One Shot coffee shop company is the services such as the pool lessons, the rental of One Shot coffee shop, and the snacks and beverage counter services. constantly developing new breakfast cereals the product element is the new product themself, setting the price right involved examining customer perception and rival products as well as costs of manufacture, promotion involved engaging in a range of promotional activities e.g. competitions, product tasting etc, 5.3.2Place strategy Marketing experts know that the best product in the world will never make an impact in the business world if no one can locate and obtain it. Keeping this simple, yet vital brick in the house of marketing, One Shot coffee shop gives careful consideration to the placement of its restaurant. Within that marketing research, It takes into consideration the population of a given part, major roadway in the vicinities of the proposed coffee shop site, traffic that passes by the coffee shop site, and the demographics of that area, as they know a great deal about One Shot customers. The place of One Shot coffee shop is in hotel royal queens at 12 queen street Singapore, in the hotel ,there is only had one coffee shop inside.so the place of One Shot coffee shop is a very good place, its in the central of Singapore. 5.3.3Pricing strategy Built in the right area, the people will come, but a good price does play a role, so that they come back. The single main content of the marketing strategy is one of the efficient pricing of their products. Understanding of the target market, including a large part of the family, they always need an affordable way to go out to dinner with their children, over the years a menu price, almost anyone can eat a lens, and enjoy quality meals without flowers a lot of money. What is really down the value of people enjoy single food, which is a big part of repeat customers, the best in the world price of products sold, if consumers do not think, what they buy. In fact, a single pointed out in their value menu in recent years, it provides a selection of menu items at a low price, this thoroughly. Other marketing concepts are integrated into the strategic value menu. Menu as the value of this project , to sell profitable products, this is a small loss leaders, if any profits are usually single cafe, coffee and soft drinks of your choice to accompany earnings, so that you have a a good price, but single cafe achieve the profitability. 5.3.4Promotion strategy One Shot coffee shop are still some basic promo gimmicks that most cafes should have like coffee mugs with your logo print on it. Travel mug is one of the most besought after item coffee junkies want. One Shot can sell these at shop or give it away on special occasion like your store open or yearly anniversary. One Shot coffee shop should also or have other standard promotional items such as shirts, key chains, tumblers, and note pads. If you want your promotion items to been seen more, offer things what people will really used outside the home like T- shirts, caps and visors, laptop bags, and backpack. For the high end market, One Shot coffee shop can sell CDs with a collection of music One shot coffee shop usually play at One Shot coffee shop Another method to market One Shot coffee shop business is by increasing One Shot coffee shop visibility online. Set-up a website where One Shot coffee shop can post materials related to the coffee business. One Shot coffee shop can also post announcements on One Shot coffee shop website for special offers and contests. Post One Shot coffee shop details on One Shot coffee shop site such as name, logo, location and telephone number. Add one page for suggestion, a forum and contact pages. Promote a special item on your menu on a week basis. One Shot product can be one coffee beverage, pastry or dessert. Announce the promotion on One Shot coffee shop site. Make One Shot coffee shop promo exciting and fun to encourage customers to come. One Shot coffee shop could have a contest like a coffee art contest wherein customers can create their own coffee art win prizes. Post the contest details and prizes on One Shot coffee shop website too. Prizes can be inexpensive like a free mug of coffee, coupon or free T-shirt with One Shot logo. Offering coffee charge cards is a very good idea. It is convenient for some staff and client. Instead of searching for coin and bill in their wallet or bag, customers can simply use a prepaid charge card to buy One Shot coffee. It is pretty convenient for customers who bought coffee daily. In other advantage is that One Shot get to sold more coffee in advance. 6.Management team and company structure This section of the business plan is essential information for investors and financial institution-it gives information about how your company is organized and who is in charge. This section is useful for relaying who accomplishes what tasks for the business, the business knowledge of the management team and the qualifications of the board . In this coffee shop Mr.Wang is the CEO, and Mr.Kun is the Chief Operating Officer,and one Chief Financial one Officer Chief Marketing Officer one Chief Technology Officer CEO may be able to set strategic, predict the future and control the budget, CEOs think about where the organization are going, the people and process need to get there, and how they will work in the current market. A COO handles a companys complex operational details. The companys COO insures the business can deliver day by day. COO figure out just what need to be measured so COO can tell if that things are going well. Then COOs team create the systems to track the measurement and take action when the company is not delivering. CFO will been busy figuring out that customers, business line and product is profitable, so the next year you can afford the really cool equipment. CMO owns the marketing strategyand that often includes the sales strategyand oversees its implement. The CMO will know or learn One Shot industry inside out and helps One Shot position One Shot product, differentiate it from your competitors products, enlist distributor, and make sure that customers are learn to crave One Shot product. CTO is a very important person in One Shot coffee shop, CTO need produce the coffee which one can make it more good. And at last we need 10 waiters, One Shot coffee shop must ensure that when a customer needs help always had one waiter in the side. 7. Operating planning It is describe one short term way of achieve milestones and explain how, or that portion . A strategic plan will set into operation when a given operational period, in the case in a commercial application, the fiscal year or another given budget term. One operational plan are the basis for, and testificatory for an annual operate budget request. Therefore, five year strategic plan need five operation plan fund by five operate budget. Operational plans should build the activity and budgets for every part of the organization for the next 1 to 3 years. One Shot link the strategic plan with the activity the organizations will deliver and the resources require to deliver their. An action plan drawn directly describe institutions and plan tasks and goals, plan objectives and plan activities of agencies and programs of strategic plan. 7.1 Clear objectives In fact, the objectives same as the Goals addressed at the beginning of this business plan, the details of the clear objectives summarized . The clear objectives of the One Shot coffee shop company Objectives Description Rent a venue approximate 5,000 square feet as the location of One Shot coffee shops business operation. Offer a custom-made coffee lessons. Provide in details the One Shot coffee shop companys first year projected profit and loss statement. Establish the working relationships with the hotel during the period of first operating year. Build a positive image and perception as well as enhance the One Shot coffee shops awareness to the public. (Source: diagram created for this assignment) 8.Risk Assessment Management Risk assessment is a step in a risk
Saturday, January 18, 2020
Changes/ Continuites from 1492-1750
The Renaissance in Western Europe marked the end of the middle Ages and the start of Europe’s rise as a global power. States in Western Europe became more centralized, and monarchs exercised more control over their subjects. Christopher Columbus’s voyage to America and triumphant return signaled the beginning of a new era of exploration. Likewise, Prince Henry the Navigator’s expeditions along the West African coast led to increased trade with Africa. Long isolated from the rest of the world, the Native Americans’ lives were drastically changed by the presence of European explorers, and later, colonists.Some aspects of life, such as domination by the elite in Europe, trade in Africa, and Native American ways of life in the Americas, have remained the same through the period. New contacts among Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas, however, led to interaction that has only increased with time. New contacts and increased trade led to the rise of a middle class in Western Europe. Traditionally, and throughout the feudal period, nobles had controlled government and wealth. As trade with Africa and the Americas increased, however, a new merchant class rose.As the new class became wealthier, they began to agitate for political power, eventually leading to conflicts such as the 1789 French Revolution. In the Americas, social transformations were huge. Deadly diseases brought by the Europeans decimated local populations, who had no resistance to smallpox, measles, etc. In one notorious case, during Spaniard Hernan Cortez’s conquest of the Aztecs, the Spanish intentionally gave the Aztecs disease-ridden blankets. Such tactics also led to the downfall of the Incas, who were conquered by Francisco Pizzaro.From residing in mighty cities and presiding over huge empires, the Native American people were reduced to serving as servants or slaves of the new conquerors. A similar trend occurred in North America. Unlike the Aztecs or Incas, N orth American natives were decentralized, and loosely organized by tribes. Columbus’s initial subjugation of the Haitians, forcing them to mine gold, set a precedent for future domination. Africa was particularly affected by the slave trade. Large amounts of labor were needed on the Spanish and Portuguese sugarcane plantations, and Native American populations were often nable or unwilling to work as slaves. Especially after Bartolome de las Casas’s campaign against the subjugation of Native Americans, the Europeans needed another source of labor. Thus, the Atlantic slave trade began, ultimately resulting in the forced movement of 12 million slaves from Africa. The slave trade had both positive and negative effects on African society. While slavery was cruel and exploitative, the money some empires such as Benin acquired from working with the Europeans allowed them to build stronger empires.Despite massive change, some aspects of life stayed the same. In Western Europe, the gap between the poor and the rich remained; even though a middle class had developed, the power was still concentrated in the hands of a few. Every Western European country was a monarchy, and there was almost no popular representation. Even in Britain, by 1750 only about 2% of the population could vote, due to property ownership requirements and other standards. The period from 1492 to 1750 was still one of control.In the Americas, many tribes were still able to maintain their traditional way of life. Many tribes displaced by British settlers in North America moved west, and since the French had yet to settle the huge Louisiana Territory, they were free to continue with traditional methods. Africa was still, for the most part, free. Not until the 1880’s would the majority of Africa become colonized. Though less powerful than the Western Europeans, African nations remained independent and gained wealth through trade.In conclusion, the interaction between Western Europe, Africa, and the Americas has resulted in both change and continuity. One irreversible trend, however, was the growing interconnectedness of the global community. Columbus united the New World with the Old, creating a bridge that has never since been broken. Recent developments such as globalization and information technology have metaphorically shrunk the world. Interaction between 1492 and 1750 set a precedent for future actions.
Thursday, January 9, 2020
Top Guide of Social Issue Essay
Top Guide of Social Issue Essay Inequality is the root of quite a few social issues that occur when things like gender, disability, race, and age may impact the way a man or woman is treated. Issues like homosexuality create a difference in how people react in society. Domestic Violence is understood to be an effort to establish power, control and fear in a relationship through the usage of violence and other types of abuse. It's significant to remember that suicide in society is usually connected with despair that emanates from mental disorders like depression and schizophrenia. Additionally, most people in society realize that suicide usually means the inability of people to produce effective solutions to various difficulties which exist within society. The society faces a big cost as it's made to exclude people with disability from getting involved in active live. It should go beyond aging and learn more about the concept of aging. Utilize whatever you know to reveal your knowledge of the planet, and bring out good old philosophical theories. If there's no means of changing what's happening, it isn't a social matter. On the flip side, as stated by the conflict theory, change is inevitable and frequently beneficial. Each subject has a different meaning but they're very similar since they deal with the identical issue. Given such an endeavor, make sure that you understand or have a notion about a particular social issue you desire to take care of. For a social issue to be classified as an issue, it has to be getting attention from the general public. There are a couple of main things you want to learn about before you even begin picking social issues essay topics. You're building an image of a social issue, and you will need to bring up every potential side of the story. Social Issue Essay Ideas In Virginia, a relative includes twosomes that live together within the last 12 months. Along with teen pregnancy, there are a large number of important identified social issues in america today. More organizations are made to prevent suicides as opposed to the other way around. Several organizations are available today to stop suicides. As individuals grow old they stop or decrease their workload, therefore affecting the overall way of life and operation of the body. There are a number of methods people use to combat social troubles. If there isn't any perception of a distinct social problem as problematic, then it doesn't exist. The extent, to which they're perceived as social issues, is often dependent on the media. The present social structure and institution plays a major part in society mental well-being. The social issues research papers may appear easy to write in comparison with different topics, but still it demands an extremely creative strategy, a big quantity of curiosity and capability to think beyond the box and search data in unconventional sources. You will consist of outside research to strengthen your arguments. Very little research was carried out to ascertain the source of ageism. Social issues transcend almost every facet of the society, and so, given the job of writing an essay on social issues, one is indirectly given the opportunity to pick from the plethora of topics within the area. Nonprofit organizations are often formed for the only purpose of solving a social matter. Social problems aren't universal to each society and have a tendency to change rapidly. They arise due to various factors. There are lots of problems, even on your own campus, that have to be resolved. The social justice issues can be classified beneath a list of social policy difficulties and social awareness difficulties. Nevertheless, the problem of social problems isn't problematic itself. Additionally, there are issues which don't fall into either category, including wars. If you wish to compose a controversial essay, you definitely must look for the finest social issues topics or satire topics. Writing an intriguing essay about trendy topics is an opportunity to reveal your knowledge of earth. It is wise to decide on a topic that you may easily research on. You ought to make sure you've picked an adequate topic so that you may submit a high-quality essay.
Wednesday, January 1, 2020
The Issue Of Marriage And Divorce - 1490 Words
Marriage and divorce has always been a tricky subject for many couples, the fear of rejection, starting a family or hurting their other counterpart can come to play in many situations throughout their relationship. Traditionally marriages were known to be a sacred bond between two individuals. This bond can be between two heterosexuals or two individuals of the same sex. On May 17th, 2004 Massachusetts became the first state to allow all same-sex marriages (Dinno 2013). In Canada same-sex marriages became legalized in 2005 unlike the United States who is yet to make it nationwide (Pierceson, 2014). Now ‘Till death do us part’ does not seem to be the only way individuals have been detaching themselves from their marriage vows. Originally†¦show more content†¦Many couples concern themselves with how strong their marriage is. The Olson’s predicted strong marriages to be identified in ten categories; communication, flexibility, closeness, personality issues, conflict resolution, sexual relationship, leisure activities, family and friends, financial management and spiritual beliefs. A study done by Pillemer showed that 85% of women in the United States stated to have a satisfying marriage (Assodeh, 2010). In the United States, 56% of adults were married or living with their significant other in 2003. Studies from the National Longitudinal Mortality showed that non-married individuals have an elevated risk of mortality than those who are married or living with their spouse. Causes of mortality included cardiovascular diseases, cancer, pneumonia, influenza, obstructive pulmonary disease and liver disease. Statistically men had a higher protection rate of 205% compared to woman at 50% (Robles, 2003). Researches have conducted a series of studies to pin point the exact factors that insist well-being and health among married couples (Robles, 2003). Married individuals have reported their health to in greater shape compared to many unmarried i ndividuals who report to have more health aliments and mental health issues (Dinno, 2013). They found that a combination of cohabitation,
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